18 October 2004

About The Blather

The Blather podcasts an eclectic mix of satire

"from within the shadow of the Golden Circle Cannery in cooee of the swamp in beautiful downtown Northgate"
-- generated by Dave Riley (that's him over there). It is an audio extension of Dave's weekly Life of Riley columns which had been published in Green Left Weekly over several years

For the moment The Blather is recovering from 'time out' and has no established schedule . When in working mode The Blather is a free-form, sharply ironic look at current political issues in a commentary monologue or dialogue format.

If you have an opinion about what RR does or should do -- please share it with us. (What the hell! Send us your laundry list, we'll even read that!)

To subscribe to The Blather podcasts, paste this feed into your podcatcher program:

The Blather's want is to work in casually keen synergy with RatbagMedia.

Segments from Ratbag Radio can sometimes be heard on Nimbin Radio's Scan Dot Org and other community radio stations.

If you want to replay any portion of Ratbag Radio please refer to our Creative Commons Licence and, as well as attribution -- by also noting the RR url -- please notify RR that you have reproduced the segment.

Otherwise, go for it.